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Interested in the Redevelopment of the Richmond Coliseum?

First reported in Richmond Times Dispatch The North of Broad Downtown Neighborhood Redelopment is holding a series of conversations.

Share your ideas about redeveloping vacant land that was once a downtown Richmond neighborhood. The City government has asked for plans to create new housing and workspaces, shape community spaces, replace the outdated Coliseum, and re-open the Blues Armory. Share your ideas here. A Richmond-based group will use the community’s input to respond to the City’s request to help rebuild a downtown neighborhood.

You can read more here

Take the survey

Mark your calendars: Saturday 1/13 *tomorrow* 9AM-5PM Cedar Baptist Church of God 2301 Cedar St

This is a formal request from the City and Mayor Stoney for proposals for this major downtown redevelopment project

“The goals of this RFP are bold,” said Mayor Stoney, but provide an opportunity to achieve a number of strategic objectives for the City. “To expand economic development and affordable housing opportunities; to generate revenue while achieving poverty mitigation through jobs and training; to provide historic preservation and community revitalization, to promote and support tourism, and to ensure sustainable development and investments in infrastructure.”

But Mayor Stoney made it clear that the City will not entertain any proposals that require the city to use its existing tax revenue or debt capacity to fund the project. The City will not incur any moral or general obligation bonds to fund any private component of a proposal, but is willing to consider proposals that incorporate tax increment financing or the creation of special service districts.


SA Chaplin 01/12/2018 at 7:52 AM

My suggestion: Building labeled “IRS” should become a parking lot.

Scott Burger 01/12/2018 at 10:25 AM


This is just more corporate welfare scamming.

This proposed setup is the same as the Broad Street CDA, which taxpayers had to bail out.

Dave Seibert 01/12/2018 at 6:54 PM

I’d like to see someone use low income housing tax credits and put about 50 affordable units into this plan. I think this can be a high density project and that could mix up the affordable housing at least a little bit. That said I don’t suspect that there will be much of a residential component here but I think there could be.

I think this could really open up the Leigh St viaduct and provide a nice back door to our neighborhood.

bill 01/13/2018 at 6:27 PM

why is this important to the mayor?

Bill 01/14/2018 at 4:30 AM

Who is north of road downtown redevelopment?

Bill 01/14/2018 at 4:30 AM


Will Hall 01/17/2018 at 6:03 AM

Me personally I don’t think that a new coliseum should be downtown anymore. Downtown is just for nostalgic purposes, and its already congested downtown. In my opinion,if you want a huge stadium, why not just build it near or on Richmond international raceway? You can create a huge coliseum there that will seat more than anything create downtown.


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