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New bike lanes on Valley Road and Fairfield Avenue


Maul Dmr Tune 12/13/2017 at 11:15 AM

Its a shame they fix roads for bike lanes, bikers don’t pay bike taxes

Cadeho 12/13/2017 at 1:20 PM

I am mad at this… when I go up Fairfield Way, there are slowpokes and I go around them. Now it’s one lane?

Elaine Odell 12/13/2017 at 3:56 PM

Hey! I’m a biker and I pay lots of taxes. Bike lanes make it safer to ride to work/school/shop in RVA.

Important to every human in our world: bike lanes take cars off the road. That makes the air we all breathe a little less polluted.

Safe biking also makes it easier for people to be healthier. Cycling burns a lot of calories and strengthen’s one’s body–unlike sitting in a car.

It’s time to share the road, and slow down to 25mph.

CQ 12/13/2017 at 4:14 PM

Well said Elanie.

@1 Why is it a shame to make bike lines? I do not understand your comment!

@2 Fairfield way is not a racing track. You can take alternative roads but highly doubt that you are allowed to go at >25mph at any residential street


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