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For sale on Jefferson Avenue


Terry Peters 06/13/2016 at 9:24 AM

Please, please, please somebody do something awesome here!

Timothy 06/13/2016 at 9:42 AM

a small restaurant here could make a nice Alamo – Union Mkt – ? triangle of deliciousness, especially w/ a dine-out in that little side yard.

ich1967 06/13/2016 at 4:31 PM

Josh Builder’s property. Asking $300K with existing ROFR,…………..

dontmincewords 06/13/2016 at 5:12 PM

This area is very park-and-ride GRTC in the morning. If I had the money, it would be a great grab-and-go morning sandwich and coffee spot. Think NYC corner bodega/deli. Same is true in the reverse – full dinner for two on the way home.

ann 06/13/2016 at 7:17 PM

“The building was sold Sterling Bilder LLC on 04/25/2013 for $59,000. Sterling Bilder is the company behind the renovation of the East End Theater,” now for sale at $300K…

Eric S. Huffstutler 06/15/2016 at 3:20 AM

@4 dontmincewords… someone tried that once at the small old Hungerford Oil building at the north side parking lots where Broad Street starts to overpass the Interstate as you approach 14th Street. It use to be called the Daily Grind. Closed years ago.

I am surprised Builder is letting go of this property but since he is behind schedule with Patrick Henry Square, probably too much on his plate right now especially when there are deadlines to meet per purchase contracts.

Thomas 06/17/2016 at 5:29 PM

I would love to buy this place, have been considering it for a long time and reached out to Bilder a while ago about the possibility with no response. I reached out again today and was told I would get a return call but never did. If the asking price is really $300k as mentioned above, that is absolutely inane. There have been no improvements since he purchased for $59k three years ago, save for a couple of band-aids to avoid getting fined by the city. We can consider that the property has appreciated in value, and that he has paid approximately $2k in property taxes, but to ask that kind of money for such a small parcel with no value in the existing building is ludicrous.

If I had the opportunity, I would purchase the building and turn it into a creamery, with Bev’s ice cream, milkshakes, coffee, and maybe some simple and inexpensive sandwich fare. The facade would be rebuilt exactly as it was originally, with an entirely new building behind. Instead of trying to cram multiple dwelling units in the adjacent green space, there would be partially covered patio seating.

I would love to make this happen and have developed the idea far more than constitutes a responsible use of my time. This location is perfect for it, but it will never make financial sense at anywhere near that asking price. I guess we can expect to see another quad-plex or generic commercial space. Not sure how anyone could make the numbers work with such a small parcel, but I’m sure someone will prove me wrong.

Eric S. Huffstutler 06/17/2016 at 6:13 PM

I know all things need to be considered as mentioned. I know he paid more than the appraised fair market value for the property on N 24th (future Patrick Henry Square). The city assessed value of what they show as 2211 Jefferson is $57k and has been that since around 2011. But 300k is ridiculous. Like the owners of 401 N 27th wanted (not sure if they still do) $500k for it when the city had it assessed at $105k. It will never sell with those figures.

John M 10/07/2016 at 8:15 AM


This picked up a SOLD sign 6 weeks ago or so (

The property record online with the city has not yet been updated to show a transfer (

dontmincewords 10/07/2016 at 8:50 AM

And Thomas, if it wasn’t you then I guess there’s no ice cream, gelato or frozen treats in our hoody future.

John M 11/05/2016 at 10:12 PM

Not SOLD? City records show this as still being owned by STERLING BILDER LLC


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