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Your new grocery store

From this past week’s 7th District meeting:

Elevations include not just the 26,000 square foot grocery store but additional first floor space for retail (estimate at this time of 9,000 square feet), possibly a restaurant; and, prodded by Richmond Housing Authority within just the last couple of weeks, plans for 2 additional stories to make available approximately 80 apartments with onsite management and maintenance.


Site Plan Conceptual proffered 06.10.16


elevations four sides 06.10.16


Ingrid 06/11/2016 at 4:08 PM

When, when, when will they start work on it? I’m so excited!

Lee 06/11/2016 at 6:54 PM

If the apartments are going to be affordable (not clear if they are going to be RRHA managed?) could they consider cutting some of the parking for something more appealing (a community garden, a community center, a playground?). Also, will the apartments be mixed income, market rate, or affordable housing exclusively?

Joe Galt 06/11/2016 at 10:38 PM

There is way too much parking. It would be great if they could reduce the parking, especially for the apartments. Many people are probably using public transit anyways.

BAF 06/12/2016 at 4:26 PM

The parking looks adequate. Not all of us plan to haul our purchases home on the bus.

Mr. Neal 06/12/2016 at 4:31 PM

Nice design, but why so much parking?

Lee 06/12/2016 at 8:34 PM

@4 and 5 – Clarification: Parking for the grocery and parking for the residents are probably different things. I would hope that if it is going to be income restricted they would consider whether or not the residents will have vehicles and adjust accordingly. This is a different question from “how will the customers get there?” – though that is also worth asking.

Terry Peters 06/12/2016 at 8:54 PM

Too much parking? Are you serious?!

Eric S. Huffstutler 06/12/2016 at 11:28 PM

@4 Joe Galt

For that size store, I suspect they are expecting people buying groceries for a week or month at a time, not on the fly. No way one person can carry that amount let alone get it on a bus.

Depending on price and quality, there will probably be people driving rom miles away to shop there. Just because I live in Church Hill doesn’t mean I only buy groceries from Farm Fresh.

Kathleen 06/13/2016 at 8:37 AM

Isn’t the parking also for the 80 apartments? I don’t want to question a plan that actually provides off street parking for their development.

BAF 06/13/2016 at 9:53 AM

@9 Agreed. And for me, if I can’t find a space, I’m going somewhere else because, for better or worse, I have the mobility to do so. For the store to succeed to is going to have to cater to all income levels and demographics in the neighborhood, including those who drive to the store.


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