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Clinton, Rubio strong in the East End

  • Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio each took 6 of the 7 precincts in the East End.
  • Donald Trump won in Precinct 701 (Fairfield), winning 4 of the 10 Republican votes cast.
  • Bernie Sanders won in Precinct 708 (Shockoe), winning 328 of the 578 Democratic votes cast.
  • Precinct 707 collected the most Republican votes at 309.
  • Precinct 701 collected the fewest Democratic votes at 342.


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frank p 03/02/2016 at 8:35 AM

thanks for the update!

Matt Conrad 03/02/2016 at 8:56 AM

I decided to check Republican participation at precinct 707 over the past few primaries to see if there was a noticeable trend.

2000 = 232 Republican votes cast
2008 = 108 votes cast
2012 = 121 votes cast
2016 = 316 votes cast

crd 03/02/2016 at 9:14 AM

As to 707, I know of at least two Dems who voted Repub, both for Kasich, in a vote against Trump. They will both vote Dem in Nov. Not sure how many other such votes there were, nor am I aware of how much that happened in other precincts.

Justin 03/02/2016 at 9:15 AM

Good on our neighborhood for generally avoiding the insane candidates. Congrats folks!

Interesting pull, Matt, I would venture to guess the increase has a lot to do with more younger folks moving into that precinct with the increase in lofts/apartments in the area. I know they (like myself) are extremely concerned with Trump and made their voice heard by voting. I think that’s a super positive sign for the neighborhood.

d-dub 03/02/2016 at 9:56 AM

Anybody voting for a candidate in the primary they wouldn’t support in a general election are really missing the point – guess they are too busy “outsmarting” everyone.

crd 03/02/2016 at 11:16 AM

@8 It happens more than you might think. That’s partly how Cantor lost his seat – I know quite a few who voted for Brat, and they almost always vote Dem.

@9 This area is strongly Dem. both north and south of Broad.

Cadeho 03/02/2016 at 11:16 AM

Alright… who the heck in Woodville voted for Trump?! That was a joke right?

The U.....nion Hill 03/02/2016 at 12:35 PM

If Trump is so unelectable then why are these Democrats so afraid of him to vote Kasich in the primary?

L B 03/02/2016 at 3:25 PM

@12, I cannot speak for others, but it is not so much that Trump is unelectable, because I have to believe that the majority of the country is smart enough not to vote for him. Even though I lean left and cannot see myself voting for a Republican, I am embarrassed for them, and the country, that Trump is their leading candidate, so I could see wanting to help avoid it.

crd 03/02/2016 at 4:33 PM

Washington Post is saying there is speculation that Dems voted on the Repub side: “And some Clinton supporters were openly speculating that the surge in Republican votes came in part from Democrats, who will support their party’s nominee in the fall but chose to cast Republican ballots in Virginia’s open primary in an effort to impact the outcome of the GOP race.” Elsewhere in the same article there is a comment that 55% of Virginia Republicans won’t support Trump in Nov., and either will go Dem. or not vote at all.

@14 I agree with you, I too believe that the majority of the country won’t vote for him. That is also why a lot of mainstream republicans are against him.

bill 03/02/2016 at 5:49 PM

#4 where do you register to be a democrat?

crd 03/03/2016 at 8:08 AM

@17, and that reason is?


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