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Where do shootings happen?


SueWho 12/12/2015 at 9:33 AM

I think it’s time that the news media start using the actual names of the neighborhoods when reporting gun violence in the East End, instead of lumping them together under the name Church Hill. This perpetuates the ignorance and fears that many native Richmonders have about Church Hill, and bordering neighborhoods, that have experienced a reduction in crime. I think some of our neighborhood associations should address this issue in the new year.

David 12/12/2015 at 10:27 AM

@1- Agreed.

C.Hiller 12/12/2015 at 1:40 PM

I have a big problem with the attitude demonstrated in the comment above, which essentially boils down to “us vs. them.” It’s one thing to have pride in your neighborhood, but ultimately, who really cares where the lines are drawn. And does it actually solve any problem? This is the same thinking that led to white flight, which created many of Richmond’s problems to begin with.

It’s also worth noting that the data used by many of the most popular crime reporting sites is flawed at best, since the Richmond police do not make data available for large swaths of the map. In other areas of the country with gunshot detection, etc. the data may be more accurate. Still the software is a great idea, and useful, if limited.

dontmincewords 12/12/2015 at 4:58 PM


neighbor 12/14/2015 at 7:04 AM

@3 – agreed

Church hill superstar 12/15/2015 at 11:40 AM

Once again all the projects other than hillside are in church hill ask anyone from church hill. stop trying to separate us from yall. Y’all they read this site just like y’all if y’all didn’t talk about them so bad maybe they would talk to y’all. You have to remember you moved into their hood.

Church hill superstar 12/15/2015 at 11:44 AM

SueWho you’re obviously new to Church Hill. With comments like that it sounds so ridiculous. Thank you

browntee320 12/22/2015 at 2:04 PM

I was raised in Henrico, but I have family from churchill, and I’ve been coming to churchill since the 80’s, but now I rent a home in churchill. Churchill has always had crime, and the crime that you see now is cupcake compared to the things that used to happen in the late 80’s and 90’s, early 2000’s. I’m not trying to sound racist, but alot of you white people who’ve moved into churchill acted surprised when you hear of these shootings and murders, but this has been going over for a over two decades, or even longer.

Sue Who 12/22/2015 at 7:35 PM

I hate to burst your assumptions about me, but I will respond. I’ve lived in Church Hill for 25 years. The house I purchased was a rooming house and nip joint prior to its renovation. Factually stating, this house changed hands from white to black to white. I was broken into once; had a bullet land at the foot of my bed on Easter morning; dealt with the crack addicts/junkies banging on my door for money; scammed by kids trying to sell wrapping paper/candy for their school fundraiser; dealt with the polarized politics of the City Council and the School Board,…

It is true that I’m not from VA or the South. I’m not ever surprised when I hear AK-47s or other guns being fired, like some of the comments I’ve read on other posts. I’m sick of gun violence period, and the innocent victims affected by it. When a bunch of guys do a drive by, those bullets fly everywhere, not just at the intended target. The young children nearby become both terrorized and desensitized to it. I’ve worked with many young students from the projects and low income housing, and still do. These kids are stressed enough because of their economic situations without having to worry about becoming another statistic.

The map of Greater Church Hill shows the names of neighborhoods within the East End, so why not use the names? People I know who live in Union Hill or Oakwood call their neighborhoods by those names, not Church Hill, just saying.

R. Montserrat 12/22/2015 at 8:07 PM

browntee320–I’m black and I own a home in Churchill. Just because crime was bad in the past does not mean that it has to be a routine part of Churchill today. In fact, we should learn from the past so that young men and women don’t fall victim to crime. I’m frankly tired of turning a blind eye towards criminals who run our streets and make it bad for everyone.

Liz 12/23/2015 at 7:12 AM

Wow agreed. Just because it has been a thing of the past doesn’t mean it should continue now. Black or white (nice to turn it into a racial issue) these shootings need to stop. Period.

Anon Church Hiller 12/28/2015 at 1:56 PM

Sue Who, Bravo well said , like how you see more outside the race box!, as so many people in this area do not (#9)


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