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Missing a rabbit?

From Rick, just now:

When I got home today a big, friendly bunny rabbit was hopping around and hanging out with my cats. It allowed me to pet it and it seems like it is well cared for. Sorry, I don’t have a picture, but it is brown and black with black ears and some interesting markings on its backside. My neighbor said it had been around for about an hour or so. I just went back outside and don’t see it, but I am sure it is close by. I live at 30th and Clay and it was last seen in the alley between 29th and 30th running from Clay to Leigh.


From Kyle, a few days ago:

On a run tonight I saw a beautiful rabbit around 29th and Clay. It looked too pretty and exotic looking to be local native fauna. Bigger than any rabbit I’ve seen in Virginia and a shiny gray/brown coat. I chased after it thinking it must be someone’s pet. Unsurprisingly, the thing was darn quick and my legs were tired after a few miles of jogging.

So after a few Elmer Fudd-worthy attempts I just knocked on some doors. No one on the street knew anything, so I thought I’d reach out to CHPN.

Maybe this helps someone find their lost pet; maybe I’m crazy and hallucinating on an endorphin high. Who knows?


PHOTO via Aimee Sanford


Britt 02/03/2015 at 6:10 PM

My husband and I have seen this rabbit twice in the past week! Once playing with some cats on the corner of 29th and Clay and again last night in the playground of Chimborazo elementary. Seems like he’s staying within the few same blocks at least.

Tyler Brown 02/03/2015 at 6:26 PM

I’ve seen that rabbit too, 5:30 PM on 1/18 – 30th & Clay, I believe.

Kyle 02/03/2015 at 8:18 PM

So glad I wasn’t hallucinating. Thanks for the validation everyone.

spacecat 02/03/2015 at 8:29 PM

Sounds like that bunny is just hunting cats. Poor thing, not enough protein in his diet.

Maybe Churchill Animal Hospital has information on the owner or could scan for a chip. They also have lots of yummy cats.

Lucky Dogz 02/03/2015 at 9:47 PM

Catch the bunny, please! I will take it and rehome it. Poor guy isn’t going to stand a chance if a dog gets his scent.

crd 02/03/2015 at 10:41 PM

@4 it does not sound like it’s hunting cats, it’s playing with them.

@5 PLEASE send us an update that you’ve got the bunny and taking care of it! The issue of dogs is bugging me. Maybe you could put a have-a-heart-trap over in that area? Many thanks in any case..

Estofado de Conejo 02/04/2015 at 4:56 AM

Several weeks ago I saw the same rabbit under the house that is being renovated on Clay near the corner at 29th. The holes in the foundation looked like perfect entryways to a crawlspace rabbit-home.

Hillage Idiot 02/04/2015 at 9:02 AM

@crd – It’s common knowledge that rabbits like this are used to manage feral cat populations.

Alex 02/04/2015 at 1:34 PM

Actually, yes I am. I have everything else needed to make this recipe except for the rabbit.

chpnfan 02/04/2015 at 4:05 PM Reply
spacecat 02/04/2015 at 6:20 PM

@ #6. …or do you mean toying with them…?

I’m afraid it get’s worse. That bunny is not alone:

crd 02/04/2015 at 9:45 PM

Ok so we have a healthy group of Python fans here, I get that. If I borrow a trap where do I find Lucky Dogz? Or maybe I should just see if I can borrow a trap from Church Hill Animal Hospital and take said bunny to them?

jean mcdaniel 02/05/2015 at 7:56 AM

This is probably a wild rabbit. One of my “chores” before school was to go out and check the rabbit traps and bring back anything that was edible.

Next time it snows , (about one inch is best) go out and look for animal tracks. I have seen rabbit, raccone, opossum, deer, rat, numerous birdtracks and of course dog and cat. Last year someone actually saw a deer in the 2700 block of East Grace.

One evening I heard a noise at a window and when I went to investigate, there were three baby raccones trying to get in. It was cold out!

Rick Tatnall 02/06/2015 at 8:05 AM

I caught the rabbit very early this morning and just delivered it to the Church Hill Animal Hospital. It spent several hours inside my apartment and is a wonderfully friendly animal and obviously has been around people. It ate my cat’s food and drank from the water bowl like it had been doing it all its life. I am new to rabbits, so I have learned they are prolific and indiscriminate poopers. I know that the Church Hill Animal Hospital is not sure what to do with it, so anyone interested in finding this very cute animal a new home will be appreciated by them and the animal lovers of Church Hill.

crd 02/06/2015 at 9:00 AM

Rick, thank you so much!

kav3f 02/08/2015 at 11:28 AM

thank you so much for helping! @ #14. I would like to make sure this guy/gal gets a good home @ #5 – have you gotten in touch with church hill animal hospital yet about rehoming it?

Kathleen 02/08/2015 at 2:33 PM

Awesome Rick! Any feedback on what kind of rabbit it is? I have a few clients that have bunnies and might be interested in a rescue. I will ask around! Thanks so much for catching him/her!

Rick Tatnall 02/08/2015 at 7:17 PM

The vet that treats exotic animals was not in on Friday and I did not have a chance to check back myself so I don’t have any other details about the rabbit other than “really cute and friendly”. I ask that anyone who can help find it a home call the Church Hill Animal Hospital tomorrow (644-8200) and then post to let us know. Thanks.

sarahonthehill 02/10/2015 at 5:36 PM

Does anyone know if the bunny is still at the CH Animal Hospital?

compns8 02/10/2015 at 8:57 PM

Good news that the little guy is safe! But handle him cautiously, because in the event that he turns out to be a Caerbannog, well, that rabbit’s dynamite.

sarahonthehill 02/11/2015 at 11:15 AM

I have a bunny update. The bunny is now with the Richmond Wildlife Center being treated for ulcers to the eye because of being free range. The DH has an appointment to see him on 2/20 and if everything goes well, I am pretty sure this guy (or girl) will have a new forever home.

Rick Tatnall 02/11/2015 at 1:07 PM

Thank you @sarahonthehill for taking the time follow up and post to let us know.

crd 02/11/2015 at 2:40 PM

Thank you Sarahonthehill for the update! I wish the little guy (or girl) luck with the forever home.

Richmond Wildlife Center 02/14/2015 at 6:55 AM

The little boy is doing much better. He was very itchy when he first arrived due to mites on the skin and in his ears. We have treated that and he is much more comfortable. He has ulcers on both eyes which we continue to treat. He will be neutered in the coming week. He is a very loving and sweet bunny. Obviously well cared for and loved at one time. He enjoys stealing our tortoise’s food. – The Richmond Wildlife Center.

crd 02/14/2015 at 8:49 AM

Thank you Richmond Wildlife Center, both for taking care of him and for the update!

ann 02/14/2015 at 10:04 AM

Such good news.

sarahonthehill 02/20/2015 at 4:37 PM

We went and met the bunny today and he is a sweetheart! The one eye is almost clear of the ulcer, but the other one is not. We are hoping to take him home with us next Friday if it all goes well!

crd 02/20/2015 at 8:34 PM

Sara that’s great news! He’s got a forever home with you, then?

John M 02/25/2015 at 11:45 AM

RABBIT UPDATE from Animal Services of Richmond – Richmond Wildlife Center

“After running at large for two weeks in various areas of the Churchill neighborhood, this domestic rabbit was finally caught and brought to us for care. We are currently treating ulcers on both eyes and he was neutered last Thursday. Neither has stopped him from enjoying his favorite past-time. He loves to rearrange our laundry and works diligently to make the perfect comfy bunny nest. He is available for adoption once his eye issues resolve.”


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