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Fundraiser set up for Union Hill shooting victim

Jonny Khalili was shot last week on Cedar Street. A fundraising page has been set up to help him out for the next 6 weeks:

Jonny spent 6 days in the hospital, and was thankfully released a few days ago. He is expected to make a full recovery, and his existing health insurance will offset some of the impending medical costs.

Unfortunately, since broken ribs take mostly time and patience to heal, Jonny will be unable to return to work for at least 6 weeks. Bills will start mounting up, and without any income he will have no way to pay his living and medical expenses for the next 6 weeks.

We started this fundraiser to help Jonny get through his recovery without going into terrible debt, and to ease the burden of experiencing such a violent and unneccessary event.

As of this morning, they have raised $670 of their $3,000 goal.


Elaine Odell 10/28/2014 at 1:35 PM

Anousheh, I’d like to contribute to the health care fund for your brother. I’d prefer not to use my credit card–can I mail you a check to your brother? Please provide a mailing address, thanks.

crd 10/28/2014 at 2:25 PM

Elaine, there is also a ‘contact the organizer’ button on the fundraising website, perhaps you could do that if he’s not comfortable with posting a mailing address here?


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