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Sector 111 report for September

Lt.Minton’s Sector 111 report for August (PDF) is now available. Sector 111 encompasses Church Hill, Chimborazo, Church Hill North, Fulton, Oakwood, and Union Hill:

So far this year we have had 74 violent crimes compared to 67 last year. Violent crime in the month of August was 4 compared to 12 last year.

Robberies went from 7 to 2 and Aggravated Assaults went from 5 to 2 compared to last year. We have made arrests in 3 of the 4 violent crimes. 3 of the 4 violent crimes were drug related between known parties. Both of the robberies were drug deals gone bad and both involved marijuana. Both of these resulted in arrests. The 1 violent crime that was not drug related involved a male hitting another male with a boot because he called a female a derogatory term.

Property crime for the month of August was down by –23% compared to last year. Burglaries went from 15 to 14. Shed burglaries were the only category of burglary that went up. They went from 5 to 6. We are working diligently to make arrests in these shed burglaries but we still need people to keep an eye out for their neighbors.

Please continue to report suspicious people. It is likely that these suspects are using a vehicle to transport the items they are stealing so please watch for vehicles that don’t belong in the alleys in your neighborhood. Residential burglaries stayed flat at 8. Larcenies in general were down by 14 crimes. All of the larceny categories were down.

We continue to have bicycles being stolen so our advice remains the same which is to keep them inside. We have had a number of them taken from backyards and porches even if they were chained or locked up. Motor Vehicle Theft was down by 1 for the month. For the year, property crime is down by -1% and overall crime is up by 1%.

We arrested 3 juveniles last week for stealing a moped in Greater Fulton. In addition to the recovering the stolen moped we found another moped with the VIN number scratched off and approximately 20 kids bikes in the area. These bikes weren’t reported stolen or the owners did not have the serial number to give to us when they reported them stolen. This has been a problem with bicycles being stolen. Without distinctive characteristics or the serial number of your bike it is hard to recover your property for you. It only takes minutes to document your property and can make the difference in whether we recover your property and make an arrest in your case….

As always thank you for the hard work you, the citizens, contribute to helping us make Sector

111 a safer place to live, work, and play!

Lieutenant Daniel S. Minton
240-9158 (Direct Number)
646-0574 (Office Number)


TPerformanceGrp 09/02/2014 at 10:53 AM

Lt. Minton – Thanks for the update and all that you and your staff do for the neighborhood. Greatly appreciated!


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