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White guys with guns on Broad Street today

A reader sent in a report and photos of what is apparently some kind of well regulated local militia:

There are 5 guys that just walked down East Broad, all open carrying AK and AR style weapons. They walked from Chimborazo park to the Bottom. They all had hand guns which were open carried.

They had literature, too.



Joseph Dunn 08/30/2014 at 5:20 PM

Don’t give these guys attention.. Doing more harm than good..

Teresa Harvey 08/30/2014 at 5:32 PM

They walked all that way and nobody called the cops or stopped them….wow! Not surprised at all.

Anne 08/30/2014 at 5:36 PM

I do wonder what would happen if a group of 1-5 black men were walking on Broad Street with firearms—literature in hand, of course.

NotAmoron 08/30/2014 at 5:58 PM

These are the human stains that didn’t get enough attention as a child. They love walking in shopping areas anywhere else they think they can garner enough shock value for their instagram photos. Love to see them take their rhetoric to Gilpin Court. Total imbeciles.

Kathleen Sanders 08/30/2014 at 6:09 PM

So dumb in so many ways. I see this and I think, ‘look, rednecks.’

Mindy Broyer 08/30/2014 at 6:21 PM

This seems more like a bunch of guys trying to intimidate, not celebrate freedoms. And judging be the unnecessary assualt rifles I’d say they’re also compensating for something….

billy 08/30/2014 at 6:34 PM

Looks like the carytown gun nuts are making the tour de Richmond. Here’s a video of them definitely not pushing their own agenda at the “Chris, uh, not Chris, I know his name was Ferguson” Rally in Monroe Park a few weeks back. They start talking around a minute or so in. Their complete lack of knowledge about a rally they are attending starts shortly thereafter.

chpnfan 08/30/2014 at 6:38 PM

The Mulford Act enacted in 1967 under Ronald Reagan during his period as Governor of California. This act effectively restricted citizens from carrying guns in public and created one of the countries most strict gun control regulations. This was a direct reaction to the Black Panther Movement’s rise in California and in the 1960s, the NRA would not yet have been a hard-line advocate for gun ownership rights. In the 1980s Reagan changed his opinion on the subject. He would begin to actively encourage 2nd amendment rights to keep citizens safe from the despotism that could be enacted by government, just what African Americans had been hoping to achieve in the 1960’s when he had instead endorsed the Mulford Act. The post 1977 NRA endorsed their first presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan, after both had switched to a more strict 2nd amendment rights defense.

Kathleen Sanders 08/30/2014 at 7:14 PM

Mindy – LOFL!!

mike 08/30/2014 at 7:15 PM

What are you going to call the cops for? They aren’t doing anything wrong. Cops can’t do anything about it. What they are doing is perfectly legal, wheather you like it or not.

mike 08/30/2014 at 7:20 PM

…. and one day you anti-gun fools may just come crying for these peoples help. I hope you never have to… but some times “i told you so” feels sooo good

Clay Street 08/30/2014 at 7:22 PM

These guntards are so sad, they obviously are seeking attention. Virginia has very liberal open-carry laws, so what are they all about?
As for Montana,Colorado, Texas, and Switzerland–it’s very disingenuous to compare open carry in Church Hill with any of those places. The first three are Western states with large swaths of rural areas, with long-standing hunting and self-defense cultures.
As for Switzerland, I’ve been there–you can’t stockpile ammunition there like you can here, the government can refuse to allow you to have a weapon (or take it away) if it suspects you have a mental health problem or are dangerous, and men have required military service for half of their adult lives with government-issued weapons that involve strict control of ammo. Never in my time in Switzerland did I ever see someone carry a handgun anywhere (although men performing their military service are frequently seen with semi-automatic weapons).
It would be considered in very bad taste to sling a rifle over your shoulder and walk around a heavily-populated area, as was this most recent display in Church Hill. TACKY!!!!

Houdon 08/30/2014 at 7:23 PM

The constitutional right to open carry in the Commonwealth has NEVER been abridged. I have better ways to spend my time, but I support these guys’ right to use theirs in this way.

UnionHillian 08/30/2014 at 8:00 PM

@#2 & #26:
Please note what Mr. Dunn is saying, as I happen to know he is well versed on this topic. These Gent’s *are not* truly serving their cause by seeking this kind of attention.

Trish 08/30/2014 at 8:19 PM

Saw these guys.


To a man they yelled back “GHOSTBUSTERS!”

That’s why I’m not worried.

Mindy Broyer 08/30/2014 at 9:04 PM

I am by no means anti gun. I’m a member of the NRA, I grew up on a farm and having killing things (both hunting and mercy) since I was 8. But I don’t feel the need to walk the streets with an assualt rifle to assert my rights or my dominance. This kind of display serves no purpose but to create tension and make people uncomfortable. And I don’t think for a moment it’s a coincidence that they chose to do this on the same day the vigil and march was being held in Jackson Ward in response to the events in Furgeson.

SueWho 08/30/2014 at 10:16 PM

The Village People song “Macho Man” comes to mind. Mass shooters, mentally unbalanced, how do I know true intent when I see armed citizens strutting down the street? Are we now supposed to accept this as an increasing norm? Americans have become a bunch of paranoid scaredy cats who are stressed and well armed. I know these guys are making their political statement, but I don’t feel any safer around weaponry. I feel like I’m living in the third world or a military dictatorship when I see wannabe soldiers. Pathetic. If our police precinct received reports of armed black males walking down the street, I’m sure they would have been stopped and questioned.

Scottie Royle III 08/31/2014 at 6:35 AM

I love how so many of you can assume so much while actually knowing so little. First the title of this is off there is an asain guy standing right there. Second we usually have a black guy with us but he had to work. Third it’s not about guns it’s about so much more all your rights as Americans are being slowly eroded everyday. Everytime people call the police on us it is a positive experience because people see the officers pull up, shake our hands, talk to us for a bit and then we continue walking. All it does is reinforce the people what we are doing is legal. Lastly billy to understand that video you would have to understand and know who Chris Dorsey is. He will cause reporters to fumble in their words. He was the one who had the camera in that members face that day. If you want to see a true nut look up that guys videos.

Sam 08/31/2014 at 7:02 AM

FYI, police were called, they stopped and talked to them. Evidentially they were not felons, and were within their legal rights…. So they let them keep walking. The police actually surveyed them consistently, from what I could see, from a few blocks away..

I’d like to get Lt. Dans opinion on it.
I think there is a fine line of what they were doing and branishing a weapon… The one guy with the AK had it across his chest, and at times held it w two hands, one on the pistol grip ..

Also, I think it’s funny these “white” guys picked the most white part of church hill to walk around in… Like to see them try that in crieghton, mosby or gilpin court!

RVADave85 08/31/2014 at 7:26 AM

Just like with other media i don’t see how race is relevant in most stories or reports when there was no racial motivation involved.

Fairmount 08/31/2014 at 7:50 AM

While I get and support that this is legal, like flag burning and kkk marches I wish that it would not happen in our community.

Christina Mastroianni 08/31/2014 at 9:04 AM

Just for the record as soon as I saw them walking down the street I called the cops. They stopped the guys but because of our state’s open carry laws the police could do nothing. The officer then came and talked to me and told me the same.

Reese 08/31/2014 at 9:17 AM

Every single one of these dudes has a tiny penis. There’s so much overcompensation going on here that it’s hilarious.

FormerLibbyHillResident 08/31/2014 at 9:28 AM

I saw a guy walking on the canal yesterday with his wife carrying a large Bowie knife on his belt. Should I be concerned? Nope.

While I think these guys were doing it for fun, no laws were broken and more power to them.

There are numerous examples on YouTube were the police acted incorrectly in these types of situations. Kudos to the RPD for acting correctly.

And yes, I have a concealed carry and own guns.

edg 08/31/2014 at 10:47 AM

Reese – exactly what I was thinking.

MHB 08/31/2014 at 2:57 PM

Kudos, Scottie Royle & RVADave

Mindy Broyer 08/31/2014 at 6:19 PM

Yeah it’s actually legal to bang a horse in 23 states but I’m not gonna. The right to carry is my right to protect myself and my family. Walking around in a group with these caliber of weapons is not about protection or rights. It’s about intimidation and showing off.

Mindy Broyer 08/31/2014 at 6:23 PM

For the record the race thing really isn’t a factor as bullets have the same impact no matter who fires them. Choosing to do this demonstration on the same day the NAACP held a march though seems a little like pot stirring. And I say they based more on the content of the first paragraph of the brochure than on the race of the participants.

Smitty 08/31/2014 at 9:22 PM

These guys attended the rally in Richmond for Michael Brown….but they had no idea who Michael Brown is. They attended because they want ATTENTION and because they hate the police.
They had NO CLUE that showing up white with assault rifles MIGHT POSSIBLY be offensive to some of the people at the rally. These guys think they have it all figured out, that their mission in life is to educate the rest of us. Truth is they are too ignorant to realize how UTTERLY OFFENSIVE their actions are to most people. They parade around with AK-47s on Cary street packed with small children and mothers on beautiful peaceful Saturday afternoons, they march into predominately black areas armed to the teeth. They attend a rally for Michael Brown….NOT BECAUSE THEY CARE ABOUT MICHAEL BROWN….but because they hate the police. They are utterly clueless.

Watch this video starting at the 1:29 mark

ray 09/01/2014 at 9:20 AM

They love any attention so PLEASE STOP COMMENTING!!!

Lee 09/01/2014 at 10:41 AM

@Lisa Hempel – maybe tell her that as tasteless as it is, it’s one of many reasons that our government sucks less…err….is a lot different from the government in her country.

@Everyone – it’s a bit tasteless, perhaps, but get over it. Frankly, I think if we had more groups like this wandering the neighborhood, we might actually be safer for it. Apparently, brandishing your (illegally obtained) firearms is quite acceptable in public housing, so…

Lee 09/01/2014 at 10:56 AM

Also, isn’t it interesting that people get this upset over folks legally carrying guns, but not so much when people illegally kill each other with them?

jean mcdaniel 09/01/2014 at 11:45 AM

madmommadmom @43

I feel safer reading this guys post than READING YOUR incredibly insensitive one. People reached out in a positive way to this guy and offered POSITIVE suggestions .

Remember Robin Williams? He was depressed too!

spacecat 09/01/2014 at 1:21 PM

@#54 and #43

The Facebook and Twitter postings that madmommadmom references is very relevant to seeing Mr. Spitzer in a clear light. Based on his Facebook post, he’s clealrly feeling depressed and isolated, possibly suicidal, and he clearly loves guns and the seeming power they give him. He closely fits the profile of many lone gunmen who act out by taking the lives of others. He really does needs the attention and therapy of a mental health professional, regardless of his stance on 2nd Amendment rights.

I’d also like to hear Lt. Dan chime in on this issue. Though they are within their legal rights they’re clearly causing concerns among citizens in the neighborhood, and after seeing Mr. Spitzer’s posts, further investigation is warranted from a public safety standpoint. Or do we wait until he offs himself and some bystanders before we start asking why he did it and how it could have been avoided…again.

If you’re reading these posts Mr. Spitzer. Turn your weapons in and seek professional help. Please.

spacecat 09/01/2014 at 1:41 PM

Jason Spitzer has a youtube channel detailing several of his open carry events in the Richmond area. He doesn’t seem like a bad person. Perhaps he and his group could direct their energies in a more positive and fruitful direction.

Here is an account and apology of his presence at the Mike Brown rally in Richmond.

RPDLtDan 09/01/2014 at 5:35 PM

I will comment by saying that we are aware of these individuals and that we are monitoring them.

tiny 09/01/2014 at 10:02 PM

I watched the video and he still seems like a loser to me. My opinion. I would prefer to hang out with people with other interests. These gun advocates are a new thing – they weren’t parading around like this 50, 60, 70 years ago. It seems we had more common sense back then. Yes, people had weapons but there was none of this “gun worship” that we see now. It’s pretty tasteless.

Smitty 09/01/2014 at 10:55 PM

Lax Virginia gun laws make this whole thing possible. What they are doing is perfectly legal in Virginia and while Lt.Dan says he is “monitoring them” there is not a darn thing he can do about it until one of these guys snaps.

In this video Jason Spitzer apologizes for his “dishonorment” of MIchael Brown at the rally. You see, he had a “mouth vomit” moment and something about ice cream and birds…. Plus, you can relax because if he’s ever punched he promises to not use his loaded handgun, his hunting knife or his “modern sporting rifle” (also known as an AK-47). Really, he promises. He has a lot of self control. Really.

Alexander Hooker 09/02/2014 at 9:15 AM

Wow, the amount of anti-gun hate is strong here. I agree that these guys are probably going about it the wrong way if they want to make people feel more comfortable with guns. But do we really need to resort to name calling?

Why is it relevant that they are “white”? Is this a reminder for folks to turn their white guilt filters on?

And Reese and EDG (40 and 42), would you care to share the methodology you used to base this conclusion on?

What’s the point of the suggestions for tees guys to go to the projects with their guns? Are you suggesting that the projects are so dangerous that they’d get shot for walking in?

With the level of animosity displayed here (admittedly baited animosity), it’s no wonder these guys feel a little worried that gun ownership rights might be threatened. Folks on both sides of this issue need to take it down a notch.

zedakerd 09/02/2014 at 10:01 AM

Agreed with Alexander…

Smitty 09/02/2014 at 10:27 AM

Oh here we go…. The whole “if people don’t feel comfortable seeing assault weapons on the backs of every day citizens in public places then that means OBUMMER’S CUMMIN FER OUR GUNZZZZZ!! HITLER!!! CONFISCATION!!”

Why is it when rational people express worry about a random pack of (disheveled, depressed) strangers armed to the teeth parading around their neighborhood the conclusion is that guns are going to be confiscated???

NO. Just because Church Hill residents are made nervous by AK-47s it DOES NOT mean they are gun haters and ready to strip citizens of their rights.

Alexander Hooker 09/02/2014 at 11:37 AM

Smitty, nobody said anything about government confiscation.

jean mcdaniel 09/02/2014 at 12:02 PM

Alexander Hooker @ 60

Thanks for a REASONABLE, LOGICAL post on this blog. One of the few!

The first 10 years I lived here I made it a point to leave my house with my loaded shot gun slung over my shoulder as often as possible. I have never had any problems up here.

I am former military and I don’t think anybody should have a firearm of any kind unless they have training in how to use it and more importantly are capable of using it. Once a decision is made to use a weapon there is NO GOING BACK. Does anyone know if in fact these weapons were loaded?

I am not real impressed with these guys, but our Constitution gives them the right to do what they are doing. I do understand that some people may not be comfortable at the sight of a deadly weapon going down the street. I suspect it is more of a lack of exposure / edcuation and knee jerk reaction than anything else. People tend to fear what they don’t know.

If you travel anywhere in Africa or the Middle East, guns are a common daily site on the streets. Now that is scary because mostly they are in the hands of untrained, extremely young men who will stop your car and demand a ride. Nine times out of ten they get car sick because they have never been in a car. I have had this happen to me numerous times.

What is REALLY scary is letting a 9 yr. old girl handel a loaded weapon that I would have trouble controlling when on automatic. That 9 yr. old will forever know she killed someone for no reason.

Mandy C. 09/02/2014 at 12:14 PM

I agree with Alexander @60.

I don’t understand the hullabaloo (lordy that’s a fun word). A lot of people carry firearms tucked away on their persons – hopefully with the requisite concealed permits. I for one would rather see the gun than not know it’s there.

Jimmy 09/02/2014 at 2:50 PM

Their rifles were not loaded, their handguns were.

Daniil Kleyman 09/02/2014 at 3:05 PM

People on both sides of this need to calm down. Middle East is in pieces. A 2nd American journalist just got beheaded. Russia is invading another sovereign country as we speak. That’s just to name a few of the REAL issues.

If the worst we have to worry about locally is some people LEGALLY exercising their rights (even if it’s not an idea everyone loves) then I think we are ok.

I would MUCH rather live in a country where people can legally arm themselves then not. And I’ve lived in other countries.

G. 09/02/2014 at 3:54 PM

Alex et al.,

What if one of these law-abiding citizens rolled up into the Bowtie Cinemas – armed to the neck…would you still be so welcoming of their rights/freedom?

Alexander Hooker 09/02/2014 at 5:40 PM

#68 are you asking what our personal opinion would be? If so, I’d think that it was kind of idiotic and unnecessary to bring a rifle to watch a movie. I’ve spent enough time around guns that I wouldn’t feel particularly threatened unless they were handling in an unsafe way.

Or are you asking whether I think it should be banned because I personally find it idiotic? If so, not a chance. We only live in a truly free country as long as we respect the rights of others to do stuff with which we disagree or find stupid. If we start to confuse our own opinions with good policy making, we’ll end up in an ugly place fast.

Alexander Hooker 09/02/2014 at 5:43 PM

Just to add to that point, if Bowtie feels like banning because it’s bad for business, I’ve got no problem with that at all.

(and it’s Alexander not Alex to avoid confusion with other commenters on here)

Michael T. 09/02/2014 at 9:24 PM

Not to feed to their attention, but maybe they should go show their freedom rights and walk through…an area of Richmond at night where its not so funny to get their photo taken. See how they smile and laugh then! Plus that one is eating McDonalds…

jeffory fauls 09/03/2014 at 3:00 AM

Your kidding me you really gotta judge these guys who are reminding us that we actually have rights. That’s sad. They work and use their spare time to stick up for our rights

Aud 09/03/2014 at 7:24 AM

@72 We really need to be reminded that we can carry guns? No one asked me if I had forgotten and needed reminding. If they have so much spare time, they need to find a more productive hobby (or a better way to send their message).

laura 09/03/2014 at 8:13 AM

Many people have concelaed carry permits and are packing–you never know it when you encounter them. All of this hysteria over these guys carring guns is ludicrous.

SueWho 09/03/2014 at 8:16 AM

Their only agenda is supporting open carry laws and rubbing it in our faces, not supporting other civil or constitutional rights. We don’t have the right to sunbathe nude in public parks, smoke a joint, breastfeed in public in many establishments, walk, drive, or gather as teens in the metro area without being stopped/questioned by the police, especially at night. They’ll only fight for the right to stockpile military weaponry and ammunition because they fear the government will take their beloved toys from them, an argument that’s been around for decades. There are more well armed citizens in the U.S. than at any other time in our history, but it’s still never enough to satisfy these types of groups.

Gretta 09/03/2014 at 10:00 AM

For all of you clamoring about “rights”, what about MY right to walk down the street and not feel scared and uncomfortable? I don’t know these people, I don’t know what their intentions are. Why are they coming into my neighborhood to do this? They know they make people uncomfortable and scared, so in the end by deliberately doing this, they are being poor citizens. Considering how nothing changed after all of these horrific shootings in the last few years, I’m not worried about gun laws changing and they shouldn’t either. They’re just trying to make normal people scared, and that shows what kind of people they are. Jerks and bullies.

Gretta 09/03/2014 at 10:02 AM

Also, why don’t you all go out to Short Pump or Hanover and leave us alone? Why us and Carytown? So rude.

John M 09/22/2014 at 7:16 AM

October 4 at 11:30–15:30

“we will be walking in church hill. however this time we will be walking to creighton court from the parking. “

Gordo 09/22/2014 at 8:14 AM

They have a right to do this, but I do expect it to cause some controversey in our hood. ANd they will probably require a police escort to prevent things from turning ugly

Davon 09/22/2014 at 8:41 AM

This Jason guy is turning out to a bigger dumb AZZ that I initially thought. I hope they bring their one asian and one african american friend, so it does not look like its a bunch of nutz white people trying to infringe on these peoples homes in Creighton. Im sure the asian guy and african american guy are too smart to do this…

What these idiots do not realize is that they will only be armed with their handguns. From what I realize their AR-15s and 308’s are not loaded or even have magazines for them. Do they think these people do not have guys also in Creighton?

The might get away with it in Creighton, but try going to Gilpin Court! These guys would no doubt get shot in broad daylight. They are definately to big of wusies to “walk” through Gilpin.

Also, it funny how they strategically pick mid day on Saturday, when most people there are still asleep. Id like to see them walk around Creighton at 8-10pm at night., on a friday or Saturday. No way they would make it out alive!!!

Alexander Hooker 09/22/2014 at 11:57 AM


Do you realize how incredibly racist your entire comment sounds?

Gretta 09/22/2014 at 2:35 PM

Why can’t you go out to short pump or glen allen neighborhoods – leave us alone!!! Get out of our neighborhood, you’re not welcome, go march wherever the heck you live and leave us alone. BULLIES!

Davon 09/22/2014 at 2:44 PM

Being that I am black and that I grew up in Gilpin, and lived in Ceighton for a year or so, currently live off 25th street, and that my grandfather on my moms side is white, and the other 3 grandparents are black, no I do not think its racist.

I do think that the “Redskins” name is racist, but im sure even you don’t.

edg 09/22/2014 at 4:37 PM

I am just so embarassed for these guys.

katzenjaammer 09/22/2014 at 5:19 PM

Personally, I liked #80. I’d love to see it.

Bill 3 09/23/2014 at 7:45 AM

Whoa whoa Davon – let’s keep our focus on the white guys with guns. The Redskins have done no wrong here, man.

Davon 09/23/2014 at 9:23 AM

It’s funny how most white people claim certain statements are racist, but yet most white people (including most black people) are to naive to understand having a professional football team who is named after a group of peoples skin color is out of line, and needs to be fixed.

Bill, the name the “Redskins” is in the wrong.
Look it up in the dictionary, it’s a slang term. And if you believe its not racist, would you walk up to a native american person and call them a Redskin? I think not.

Kim Jennings 09/23/2014 at 9:27 AM


1) they are just white guys
They had a Asian guy with them
2) Jason usually walks around with a black man also
3)”Redskins” should be changed. Being that we have used this unacceptable term for 80 years does not make it if okay. Even if it was offensive to only 1/5 of the Indian population it’s still offensive!

Bill 3 09/23/2014 at 11:02 AM

My comment was tongue in cheek. I’m not getting into a debate about the Washington Redskins on a community message board. That’s not what CHPN is here for.

Davon 09/23/2014 at 11:29 AM

Awesome, because there should not be a debate about it!

But Bill you need to realize that these are not just “white guys” with guns as you claim. They have men of many different cultures in their group.

Bill 3 09/23/2014 at 1:29 PM

Davon I wasn’t claiming anything. The story is titled “White guys with guns…” & I was just referencing the story & ensuing comments on CHPN. Quite honestly I don’t care whether the guys are white, asian or whatever. They are taking a stance on a controversial issue in a controversial manner. That’s all.


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