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Sector 111 report for June

Lt.Minton’s Sector 111 report for June (PDF) is now available. Sector 111 encompasses Church Hill, Chimborazo, Church Hill North, Fulton, Oakwood, and Union Hill:

Aggravated Assaults went from 2 to 4. This is the violent crime category that we have seen the notable increase this year. We are at 19 compared to 13. A lot of these are attributed to people with poor interpersonal skills assaulting known parties. Three of the violent crimes have been solved this month and we have strong leads in 2 of the robberies.

[…] Let me tell you about some exciting things that have occurred recently in the sector. We recently executed a search warrant on Yonnie’s Barbershop in Greater Fulton as a result of a drug investigation. This investigation was started from citizens complaints about drug dealing going on in and out of the barbershop. Two people were arrested the day of the search warrant and the investigation is still continuing. This investigation involved different units in the
Richmond Police Department and couldn’t have occurred without backing from the community.

Another search warrant was executed in the 1400 block of National Street. This was regarding graffiti but lead to a drug search warrant which lead to the residents moving on from the neighborhood.


Alex 06/07/2014 at 11:22 AM

“…which lead to the residents moving on from the neighborhood.”

Is this a euphemism for being arrested?

Alex 06/08/2014 at 7:57 AM

Anyone else think Dunaway (right picture) looks a lot like the character Deebo in the movie Friday?


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