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This is a terrible stretch of sidewalk (UPDATE)


33rd 05/30/2014 at 9:19 AM

This stretch was ripped up as of last night.

John M 05/30/2014 at 9:25 AM

Good deal, I was a few days slow in getting on this.

WRIC8 got a good piece up:

jean mcdaniel 05/30/2014 at 10:58 AM

John Murdn
There has been a pile of debris in the alley behind my house for several months with the last edition being a Christmas tree and some old furniture. My neighbor has been trying to get the City to pick this stuff up and ask me if I would call the City to complain as well.

So, I called the appropriate number and waited the 30 min. (because my call was very important to them) and when I finally got to a person I was told

! They never heard of this before, nobody had ever called about it. I KNOW my neighbor is telling the truth!
2 They would charge me for picking it up since it was behind my house.
3 It did not matter that I didn”t put it there, I would be charged anyway.

It is still there, I haven’t been charged a “bulk pickup fee” What to do?

Mucks 05/30/2014 at 12:50 PM

Jean – Move the stuff to behind your neighbor’s house.

ray 05/30/2014 at 12:53 PM

Why don’t you call Cynthia Newbille, Ms. McDaniel?

crd 05/30/2014 at 4:08 PM

Call the city at 646-0999, listen to the menu and go to the one for an operator.They don’t charge a fee if you just call in to request a bulk pick up, but they could take 7-14 business days (almost three weeks). They used to charge a bulk pick up fee to have it picked up ASAP but they have discontinued that entirely. i just called and spoke to someone quite nice and helpful.

Kathleen Sanders 05/31/2014 at 7:59 AM

I am glad that your sidewalk is getting fixed. Really, I am. Ok, I am a little bitter but I’m sure I’ll get over it.

I have been begging the city to repair the sidewalk along my property for about 8 years. My sidewalk is supposedly on ‘the list’ but, after 5+ years of trying to work with the city, it has not happened. The contractors did come out once, left all their equipment on a Friday, it snowed over that weekend so everything was shut done for several days. Then they took they’re equipment and left without touching a single brick because they were ‘out of time’ and had to go on to another job. When I enter a SeeClickFix, Anthony Harding will close it because it’s an “engineering department” issue. My sidewalk is as bad as the one pictured and much more heavily traveled. I spend money and time every month trying to keep the weeds from taking over. You must have some sort of in with the media or city to make this happen – please share your secret!!

Alex Also 05/31/2014 at 6:26 PM


Please don’t be one of the bitter NAGS when something positive happens….

Why can’t people just be happy some people are making progress?

And yes get over it! I’m sure this didn’t happen with just little effort.

The power of media can be a powerful thing…

Eds 05/31/2014 at 8:00 PM

CHA is having an alley rally in June. Check the newsletter and call in problem areas. They are also looking for volunteers

Alex 06/01/2014 at 5:32 AM

There appear to be two folks posting using the name Alex now. Just wanted to clear that up since I’m the one who usually uses this name and I actually didn’t find anything naggy about Kathy’s post.

John M 06/01/2014 at 9:30 AM

Hey Alex – just caught that. I changed their name above & will drop them an email.


Kathleen Sanders 06/01/2014 at 9:39 AM

Alex: I want all of our sidewalks to get fixed, not just mine. People have invested heavily in Church Hill. It’s time for the City to do the same. ‘Frustrated’ is probably a more accurate description of how I feel. I just want to know the secret of getting some attention from the City in regards to sidewalks. And additional trash cans. And decent mowing service for Chimborazo. And the flooding at Chimbo and Broad fixed.

laura 06/01/2014 at 10:20 AM

@ Kathleen…when dealing with these issues, the “squeeky wheel gets the grease”. Here are some routes that I’ve taken that have yielded great results:

1. SeeClickFix…be persistant with reporting- if the city closes the ticket- reopen it and leave commentary. Give it a few weeks. If no results, submit again and log your dates that you’ve reported these issues. Give it two more weeks. If no response,
Director of Public works. This will usually resolve the problem. However, if after two more weeks, no response:
3.Send an email to Dwight Jones detailing your requests and who you’ve already spoken to and cc: Mr. Jackson on your correspondence.
4. This works every time.

jean mcdaniel 06/01/2014 at 10:58 AM

See my post @3

Sometime this past Saturday the pile of debris was cleaned up!!!

Kentucky Fried 06/01/2014 at 6:04 PM

is anyone else having a problem with Segways zipping past your house on the sidewalks? Today it was a group of about 10 but sometimes it’s 20 or more. They are rude when asked to get off the sidewalk at the fountain in Libby Hill Park the leader replied ” we are team Segway, and we can go wherever we want” People, including children were picnicking, sitting on the wall around the fountain.

Kathleen Sanders 06/01/2014 at 8:10 PM

#1 Alex: Whew!! You and I have always been fairly well aligned so I was ‘concerned’ about my sidewalk stance when if read what I thought was your comment. I am relieved to hear that you did not find me to be naggy. 🙂

Doppelgänger Alex: I still want my sidewalk repaired.

Laura: Thank you for your advice. I have submitted numerous SeeClickFix tickets over the last few years but, as I said, they all get closed. I have NOT emailed Mr. Jackson, although I have emailed Anthony Harding and Bobby Vincent with DPW. I will email Mr. Jackson and CC Mr. Jones. I am *really* good at being a squeaky wheel and I feel I have far exceeded my normal squeakiness on this particular matter.

Daniel S 06/02/2014 at 7:44 AM


I can discuss the whole process I went through, if you want to swing by one day, or I can talk on the phone.

Laura’s process seems to work pretty well, but that’s not exactly the route I went.

Just curious, what sidewalk is yours?

Glad to hear your trash/debris got picked up!

JCH 06/02/2014 at 10:14 AM

Kentucky Fried,

Segways are allowed on sidewalks, but like bike riders they must a) yield to pedestrians, and b) announce when passing a pedestrian from behind (call out, use a bell, etc). That is required under state and city code.

laura 06/02/2014 at 10:16 AM

@ Kathleen…Good luck with the mission! It sounds like you’re well on your way to getting this done and others have great ideas too.

On a side note, I often hear Church Hill folks complain that the Hill doesn’t receive a fair share of city services when compared to The Fan, Museum District or Windsor Farms. I think the biggest reason is that those areas are VERY vocal about what they want and don’t want…and, they don’t “go away” easily.

It’s great to see some folks in the Hill demand better service from the city.


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