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The Libby Hill jungle

Sent in by Jessica:

This is a picture we took [yesterday] morning next to the stairway in Libby Park that goes all the way down Main Street. There are at least 25 people a day that use these stairs for exercise. My husband and I try to go up and down them two or three times for our exercise regimen, but there are many others who do many more than that.

The important thing about this picture is the weeds that are taller than my head. I am only 5 foot 3, so they are at least 6 feet tall. I called the city about 2 months ago, and they trimmed the weeds that were hanging over the stairs. I have also had the experience as a homeowner of being cited for tall weeds, over 3 feet. Too bad the city doesn’t have anyone citing them!


PaulF 09/17/2013 at 5:23 PM

It’s not necessarily a bad thing that the city is letting those weeds on the side of the hill grow, as it will help mitigate the erosion problem that has persisted on those slopes.

Neighbor 09/17/2013 at 5:26 PM

Now THIS is the type of issue that the CHA should be actively pursuing – not whether a restaurant stays open an extra hour and sells wine and beer. Imagine if all that time and energy that has been spent to make sure that Buzzy’s doesn’t get the SUP it seeks were spent getting the City to do its job here.

Alex 09/17/2013 at 5:35 PM

To be fair, the city did mow part of the park. The sad part is that the mowing arguably looks as bad. It’s sporadic lines with huge clumps of grass all over.

I agree that this would be a good CHA project.

Perhaps this is a sneaky Pear Street trick to minimize the scrutiny? Who gives a shit about the view when you can’t see over the weeds…

Brett 09/17/2013 at 5:39 PM

I agree with Neighbor. The maintenance of Church Hill is terrible, especially in the parks. The fact that almost every park in Richmond has to have a “friends of the park” to help take care of them is a joke. That tar and gravel job that was done a few years ago was pretty bad too.

crd 09/17/2013 at 6:28 PM

I agree they need cutting, big time. Any resident with weeds that high would certainly be issued a citation. The other problem is that they are just as high down on Main Street under the park and impede the flow of traffic which is a safety issue. It’s really sad that the city spent a bunch of money years ago fixing up Libby Hill, Chimborazo, Patrick Henry and Jefferson parks (through the J. Fulmer Bright fund) and now cannot seem to maintain them properly.

Thornley 09/17/2013 at 8:45 PM

Jefferson Park has an absolutely identical situation with its stairs leading down to the Cedar & Marshall St.’s intersection. There are some neighbors who’ve put in work cutting the overgrowth back, efforts not yet matched by the City. Every tax payer has a right to feel indignant when the City holds a “double standard” regarding public issues like this.
I (we) battle with Jeff Park mistreatment, neglect & etc. ***annually***.

All Bark 09/17/2013 at 10:42 PM

I agree with PaulF that they do mitigate some erosion, and they form a riparian barrier for our water shed.
Also, the slope itself makes weedeating or mowing a challenge.
And, no one uses the slope there, just the stairs.
Finally, its mid september. All that shits gonna die back soon anyway. Be patient.
oh, and, I face/palmed when i read the part about the unfair double standard. Yup, that’s what govt does, interferes with and ignores problems arbitrarily and unequally.

bozatwork 09/17/2013 at 10:52 PM

Where’s that elite squad of grass eating goats?

Alex 09/17/2013 at 10:59 PM

Maybe we can teach stray dogs and cats to start eating grass?

Mars 09/17/2013 at 11:30 PM

The whole area needs to be mowed. Even the sidewalk at the bottom of that hill is overgrown. They could at least keep the edges looking decent and trimmed so that you can use the sidewalks to jog or walk. I submitted a ticket on SeeClickFix yesterday. It was to be forwarded to another department. If you’re concerned, go on there and submit a ticket. They are great at responding!

Alli Alligood 09/18/2013 at 12:07 AM

Yes! We want goats!

clay st resident 09/18/2013 at 10:47 AM

Exactly #2. I hope someone brought that up at their meeting last night.

Thornley 09/18/2013 at 10:59 AM

@All Bark

I raise your “face/palm” with a sarcastic smirk and giggle. Your counter?

Nearby Neighbor 09/18/2013 at 11:21 AM

The neighborhood’s calls to do something about the views would be more credible if there was a greater and broader urgency about the condition of the parks. Not a criticism of the various Friends groups here – just a comment that more of us should support what they do by complaining to the City when maintenance gets spotty. The City doesn’t mean any harm, it just needs a critical mass of complaints to get focus on a project.

Lora 09/18/2013 at 11:50 AM

There is a beautiful, short clumping grass on various hills around Church Hill that would be great for areas like this, and would only need cutting a couple of times per year (although I’ve noticed it in places where it doesn’t get cut back and seems to do well anyway). It would help prevent erosion, it would look lovely, and wouldn’t impede anyone’s view.

John M 09/19/2013 at 9:35 PM

Overgrown Grass at Libby HIll Park Concerning Residents


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