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Check out “Kale to the Chief” by Tammy Brawley from The Green Kitchen

Writes Sara H:

Sonabank’s P.O.W.E.R. program for women entrepreneurs has launched a new blog series that features inspiring stories about women business owners and their personal journeys to overcome any obstacles that stood in the way of going into business for themselves.

The very first blog post was written by Tammy Brawley, owner of The Green Kitchen, located at 314 N. 25th Street. Her company is a member of the P.O.W.E.R. program at Sonabank.

Check out the blog here!
Here’s a highlight:

I wish I could say that realizing my dream to become a chef was a piece of cake. It was anything but. Like many entrepreneurs, the journey to my business, The Green Kitchen, was rife with speed bumps, roadblocks, and twists and turns that included going back to school, multiple part-time jobs, a relationship break up, and a diabetes diagnosis along the way. When I look back, I realize that any of these challenges could’ve stopped me from getting what I wanted. They could’ve left me miserably still in an office job that was safe, predictable, and required me to achieve someone else’s goals. Trust me, I almost gave in and quit several times when things got tough. I’m glad I didn’t. Because today, my fresh, colorful, body-and-soul-healing dream to cook for others and help them eat well is in motion. My journey started with a walk. On a “dreadmill.” And today, walking is one of the healthy things I do to keep me and my business running.

Read more here!

About the P.O.W.E.R program

The P.O.W.E.R. program, which stands for Potential of Women Entrepreneurs Realized, has more than 1,000 members throughout the Sonabank footprint in Virginia and Maryland. P.O.W.E.R. includes an exclusive package of financial services and resources designed to empower women business owners to achieve their full potential and reach their financial goals. The blog and more details about P.O.W.E.R. can be found at

1 comment

Jolene Christensen 10/09/2018 at 7:11 PM

Love your food, Tammy!


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