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Missing this dog?

We have found a small dog on M street, he is small approx 25 lbs and seems to be a miniature pincher and dachshund mix. Ive attached a picture, he was found at approx 5pm today.

We will be taking him to the SPCA [TODAY] unless otherwise contacted.

Thank you,
Kyle Moler


Grace Denio 09/27/2017 at 2:29 PM

That could be my neighbors dog, Petey. I live on the 700 block of Chimborazo and I’m not super sure which building he belongs to but I feel like he was lost once before and his owner made a post about it.

Kyle M 09/27/2017 at 4:51 PM

well he responds to the name Perry, and not Gus or other different names. Ill take him over to that block and knock on doors.

Kyle M 09/27/2017 at 4:51 PM

*I meant Petey


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