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Drawings for the roundabout set for 23rd and Fairfield Avenue


Cadeho 08/20/2015 at 1:11 PM

I don’t know how this was necessary. I have never seen or heard about accidents at this intersection. No one has been hit by a car. There aren’t traffic back ups. There is no traffic light. Are they throwing this there because they saw a triangle? The triangles at Fairfield and 21st and Farifield and 23rd are interesting creations left from the extension of those streets from the city grid to meet with Woodville and Fairfield plans. N. 23rd Street used to continue north of Fairfield at its original intersection. I take it that the city did not think about the future when Fairfield Court is demolished and replaced. My hope would be to realign the streets as they were before Fairfield Court was built. With the round-about there and the elimination of the small section of the original street north of Peter Paul, the original street north of Fairfield would not be able to intersect with Fairfield. If anything, it would have to stop at Newbourne. I will tinker with a new design and see what works. I’m sure it would look nice, but I do not see that it was needed as with most of the new obstructions they’re starting to place in every intersection.


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