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Community meeting on Pear Street set for September


ray 08/18/2014 at 3:23 PM

What’s the purpose of this “Special Community Meeting”?

I really would like to see an agenda and who is going to be there.

Aud 08/18/2014 at 5:13 PM

“We’ll see.”

laura 08/18/2014 at 6:38 PM

The building looks like a tenament in the Bronx….UGLY!!!!

bozatwork 08/18/2014 at 11:26 PM

Oh yeah, that building just fits right in! Totally natural choice.

JJ 08/19/2014 at 7:47 AM

All in the name of “progess” and making money for others – at the expense of the long term good of whole community. I cannot believe any reasonable/rational being would be for such a horrible thing.

FormerLibbyHillResident 08/19/2014 at 8:12 AM

But hey, those weeds in the foreground look awesome. A little Miracle Grow and the tower will disappear from view.

KatManDo 08/19/2014 at 9:03 AM

Hey, take it easy on the Bronx, Laura. The color scheme is completely wrong.

East Grace 08/19/2014 at 9:52 AM

It could be the most beautiful of buildings and it wouldn’t matter. What it would block would always be better.

jean mcdaniel 08/19/2014 at 2:56 PM

Hopefully this “special community meeting” will give the neighborhood an opportunity to voice their opinion!

You have no right to complain about Ms. Newbille not listening to the people in her district if you don’t show up and make yourself heard!

Jimmy 08/19/2014 at 4:28 PM

I am so sick of hearing about the “pear street” and “the view”. If anything I think they are going to build this thing faster just to hear you all shut up.

1. No matter how many people come out and “voice” there opinion, it is not going to matter on the outcome.
2. The decision has already been made by the governing officials.
3. What is next? we cut down the trees because in the spring the trees ruin the view of the river?
4. look at the horribly modern building still being built at cedar/Union Hill, if that passed, no doubt this will.
5. Both this pear and cedar developments are outside of the “historical districts”. If you had any sense, getting these boundaries changed would have been the wiser strategic move (thinking outside the box), instead of the stupid “view” argument. You would have thought there would have been someone in the group who had the wits to come up with an alternative source to get yall want.

The city doesn’t give a shit about your “view”. They care about building up this area of the city and pringing people in. This will outweigh the “view” preference anyday.

I think Walmart is about to run out of tissues because yall have been crying about it for so long….

jean mcdaniel 08/19/2014 at 6:28 PM

Jimmy, I can’t say I disagree with you on most of what you say. The intelligent approach would be to purchase the land and place it in a trust forever eliminating the threat of any building at all.

When this project was first presented to the Church Hill Association over a year ago, the chairman of the zoning committee helped make the presentation. He filibustered so no body got a chance to speak. It was stated by him that “this was a done deal”, and it is “better than some of the alternatives”.

He is still chairman of the CHA zoning committee which is supposed to represent the wishes of the membership. $5000.00 of CHA funds have been appropriated to fight this project. The zoning committee is and has been working against the memberships stated wishes which is to OPPOSE this high rise!

Aud 08/19/2014 at 7:34 PM

Jimmy, the building won’t be built. If the decision was “already made,” we’d be looking at construction by now.


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