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Houses on 27th, Leigh slated for demolition

ABOVE: 1333 North 27th Street / BELOW: 2902 East Leigh Street

T. Tyler Potterfield of the city’s Planning and Preservation Division sent out “Notice of Adverse Effect” for 2902 East Leigh Street (PDF) and 1333 North 27th Street (PDF) of Friday. Both buildings face demolition.

1333 North 27th Street is a contributing property in the Church Hill North Historic District. 2902 East Leigh Street, named one of the 10 most blighted properties in Church Hill in March 2010 and recently for sale for $19,000, would be a contributing property in a possible expansion of the historic district.

You are asked to forward any comments pertaining to this to Mr.Potterfield at or (804)646-6364 no later than November 9, 2011.

1 comment

Charles 10/11/2011 at 10:05 AM

Sadly, as a construction professional, demolition of a house like this is the best thing. Leaving it like that destroys the neighborhood.(classic broken windows theory). And the economics of restoring it are beyond absurd. It’s sad, I love old houses, but at some point a wood house hits the point of demolition if neglected enough, and it snt such an important structure that it deserves an over allocation of societal resources


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