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Debate over new markers at Oakwood continues


eds 04/26/2011 at 4:36 PM

That would solve the mystery of where my g-g-grandfather is buried.

Marie 04/27/2011 at 8:35 AM

They would just be replacing what was there before the stone numbers were there but with nicer markers. Other military cemeteries have markers marking soldier that died in battle. Mine also died in battle fighting for Virginia and he is buried at Oakwood. It took me several years to find him as he was marked incorrectly and only with a number. Many families of Richmond and surrounding areas have our ancestors over there and would love to be able to go over and see where they are buried. Marie Jennings ggggranddaughter of A.B. Walker

DALLAS 04/30/2011 at 9:41 PM

If it does not come from city funds, I would not really have an objection to it.

Eric Huffstutler 05/01/2011 at 10:47 PM

I don’t think it will be city funded but private funds.

The problem is that the city doesn’t want outsiders messing with their property which includes placing their own markers to have to mow grass around. They usually receive funds for headstones being placed by way of a $100+ fee for pouring a concrete foundation which is now required. Not sure how they would work that out and wooden markers would be useless after a few decades.

They do have a corresponding name with the numbers in the books at the cemetery office and someone is usually there before noon on Saturdays as well.


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