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Dancing Man


Right on Broad 12/31/2010 at 1:25 PM

This is the level of quality that our public art has descended to: schlock more suitable for the dark corridors of Chesterfield Mall than in front of this historic school on this historic site. I have no doubt that plenty of public money on this kind of crap.

Lucky Dog 12/31/2010 at 9:00 PM

Oh, I’ve always loved this guy/statue. But then, I’m quite sure that I am probably a “schlock”.

K 12/31/2010 at 9:09 PM

my dog is terrified of this sculpture, whenever he sees it he pulls me across to the other side of the street

Heather 01/01/2011 at 1:43 PM

Whether you like it or not, one way you can make a difference in the beautification efforts at Bellevue is to get involved. The administration there needs the support of folks like you who care about the learning environment. Join the PTA and/or volunteer. Bellevue is a gem in the neighborhood and we all should have an active interest in its success. I’d love to see the positive impact that Right on Broad could make so that K could one day, walk in front of the school.

Right on Broad 01/02/2011 at 8:22 AM

Heather, I’d love to get involved and make a positive impact on Bellevue School, but would probably get arrested when I got a rope on this moronic statue and tried to pull it down. If Bellevue is a gem (and I have no doubt it is), then lets raise the bar for the setting of the jewel.

Are we so bankrupt as a society that this is the best we can do for our children? Why does the inane and superficial have to be our standard? Personally, I’d like to see a plaque to either Elizabeth Van Lew and / or Maggie Walker as something inspirational on the site at Bellevue – not this meaningless tripe.

If you’re interested in learning environment, don’t be scared to make it meaningful, profound, and dignified.

Bill Conkle 01/02/2011 at 2:14 PM

I like the dancing man. Meaningless tripe to someone, is uplifting art to another. In this case I believe Fun has trumped meaningful, profound and dignified.

Heather 01/02/2011 at 11:25 PM

@ Right on Broad, if you walk in the school on your way to volunteer, you’ll see a modest museum type display in honor of Maggie Walker and Elizabeth Van Lew 🙂 I totally agree about raising the bar and Bellevue raises the bar academically with its recent award as a Blue Ribbon school (national excellence). But typically fundraising and volunteer efforts support the “extras” for public schools. Extras in this case are beautification of the building and grounds. I.E. It was a community effort to redo their playground. I wasn’t kidding when i said the school needs people like you (as well as those who appreciate the context of why the dancing man exists at Bellevue). I love your thoughts about sharing the historical significance. If you or anyone you know is interested in leading the effort to commemorate the history of Bellevue on the exterior, please let me know.


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